Police federation

police federation
Representing the interests of 140,000 Constables, Sergeants, Inspectors and Chief Inspectors
National organization representing 124,000 police officers from the ranks of Constable, Sergeant, Inspector and Chief Inspector. News, views and information for members.
1st Annual Minneapolis Police Federation Charities, Inc. Golf Tournament! Don't miss out on the fun! [
Welcome to . The Saint Paul Police Federation "Representing those who protect Saint Paul since 1947"
The Scottish Police Federation is the staff association of the Scottish Police. A Federation aims to do for its members what trade unions seek to do for theirs - to safeguard
The Police Federation of Australia was formerly registered on 1 January 1998. This is the official PFA website.
The Police Federation for Northern Ireland represents 12,000 Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) officers, male and female, from Constable to Chief Inspector including 3500 Full Time
Strathclyde Police Federation is the largest of the eight Scottish Joint Branch Boards of the Scottish Police Federation, and represents the interests of almost 7200 members which
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