Mastodon epoch
mastodon epoch
mastodon (mÄs`tÉdÅn'), name for a number of prehistoric mammals of the extinct genus The earliest known forms lived in the Oligocene epoch in Africa. These were long-jawed
Pleistocene Epoch The American Mastodon became extinct by 13,000 years ago. The mastodon family diverged from other elephant-like relatives in Miocene times, between 24 and 5 mya.
Mastodon americanus - nature gift. Prehistoric art gift showing Mastodon from Pleistocene epoch on Brazilian Geodes. Reproduction of original oil painting of Mastodon by paleo
Fossil molars, mastodon (Mammut Americanum), Pleistocene Epoch, lived from more than 1.7 million years ago until possibly 8,000 years ago. Courtesy of the National Museum of
Mastodon americanus, prehistoric animals from Pleistocene Epoch. Mastodon by paleo-artist Josef Moravec.
a massive, elephantlike mammal of the genus Mammut (Mastodon), that flourished worldwide Like mammoths, mastodons were covered with hair. They lived from the Oligocene Epoch to
Mastodon: Mastodon, common name for any of the extinct elephantlike mammals that constituted the family Mammutidae of the order Proboscidea (âlong snoutedâ).
Unerupted juvenile mastodon tooth 1 1/2 inches Pleistocene epoch Indian River County, Fla.
of several very large, extinct proboscidian mammals of the genus Mammut (sometimes Mastodon The earliest known forms lived in the Oligocene epoch in Africa. These were long-jawed
of several very large, extinct proboscidian mammals of the genus Mammut (sometimes Mastodon They lived from the Oligocene Epoch to the end of the Ice Age. Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms
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