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noun, plural -lowsâ es, -lows. 1. a wooden frame, consisting of a crossbeam on two uprights, on which condemned persons are executed by hanging.
noun pl.-·lows or -·lowses. an upright frame with a crossbeam and a rope, for hanging condemned persons; any structure like this, used for suspending or supporting
Gallows are the most exciting band to emerge from the UK punk/hardcore scene in years. Formed in the conurbation town of Watford in early 2005, the quintet's members cut their
MySpace Music profile for GALLOWS. Download GALLOWS Punk / Rock / music singles, watch music videos, listen to free streaming mp3s, & read GALLOWS's blog.
Its going well so far, we are writing at a rate of one new song every day so far. Hopefully weâll have alot of material to pick from for the final album tracks.
MySpace profile for Gallows with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more
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